Navigating Baja – Dispatch #8 Swimming with the Ocean’s Largest Fish

A humpback whale flukes off the coast of La Paz., Mexico; Photograph by Max Lowe

A humpback whale flukes off the coast of La Paz., Mexico; Photograph by Max Lowe

From the National Geographic Series Navigating Baja
Originally Posted by Hayden Peters in The Adventurists on April 13, 2015
Travelling with Adventurists Max Lowe, Austin Kino, Hayden Peters and Catherine Yrisarri.
A ten-day adventure along the Sea of Cortez in Baja California, Mexico.

“Fast forward to Baja a few months later. Our crew geared up, boarded our panga, and made our way out into the Bay of La Paz to search for the semi-mythical creature, the whale shark. These creatures are some of the largest in the world, out-weighing a school bus at 60,000 pounds at a length of 45 feet. As the largest—yes, largest—fish in the ocean, they somehow maintain their massive body weight by eating some of the ocean’s smallest creatures, phytoplankton”— Hayden Peters

See the video online at National Geographic Adventure-